

In Korea, there is a flower that is hard to see even once in a lifetime. It is a sweet potato flower. Since it blooms once in a hundred years, it is hard to see even once in a lifetime if you do not live a hundred years. But recently, many people have seen lavender-colored sweet potato flowers that look like morning glory flowers. Sweet potatoes, which originated in Central and South America, are subtropical plants, and so it is difficult to flower in Korea, which is located in the temperate climate zone. However, as a record-breaking heat wave continued throughout the summer a few years ago, sweet potato flowers bloomed everywhere.

Since the sweet potato flowers are the evidence of abnormal weather, we cannot see them only wondrously, but it gives us enlightenment that flowers can bloom only if the conditions are met. Until plants sprout and blossom, temperature, moisture, light, nutrients, and other conditions must be met. Some plants wait centuries for that. In Israel, a palm tree seed sprouted for the first time in two thousand years.

All the things that have life bear fruit someday. It’s just that the time of flowering is different depending on environments and conditions. Don’t give up if you want to bloom the gospel flower. There is still something to be filled, and it’s just waiting for that time.