Quality Education
We support young people to receive quality education
We support school education in various ways so that children and students, the protagonists of future generations, will be able to study freely in a better educational environment. For this, we reconstruct disaster-affected schools, improve school facilities and environments, and provide educational equipment.
Educational Facilities Support
- Reconstruction of disaster-affected schools
- Provision of educational equipment
- Improvement of school facilities
- Installation of rides
- Repair of restrooms
- Installation of water tanks
Educational Environment Improvement
- School environment beautification
- Cleanups in schools
- Cleanups around schools
- Green Campus cleanups
Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- School expenses
- Living expenses
- School uniform costs
Educational Supplies Support
- Desks, chairs, blackboards
- School supplies
- Schoolbags
Character Education
- Special lectures on character for youths and parents
- Student orchestra concerts
- Field trips
- Education on fire safety
- Volunteer services
- Education for young adults
- University student volunteer group activities
Raising Awareness
- Education forums and seminars
- Campaigns to prevent school violence
- No honking campaigns
- Campaigns to prevent crimes
Reconstruction of Disaster-stricken Schools
We reconstruct school buildings fallen by disasters like earthquakes. Due to the deadly earthquake in Nepal in 2015, about 2,400 schools collapsed and students lost the base of their study. Through Mother’s School project, the Church members including college students rebuilt strong school buildings for the hopeful future of the students who had to take classes in the tents or temporary classrooms, despite the risk of aftershocks.
Support with Educational Supplies
We support educational equipment and school supplies such as such as notebooks, pens, schoolbags, desks, and chairs so that children and young people can study in a quality educational environment.
Support with Scholarships
We support students with scholarships, tuition fees, school uniform costs, living expenses, etc. so that they can pursue their dreams. We hope that students will have the opportunity to learn even in difficult circumstances and grow upright through their meaningful school life.
Character Education for the Youth
We provide special lectures on character, etiquette, and school violence prevention to youths and their parents by inviting famous figures from all walks of life. Topics include careers, relationships, and self-development that youths are interested in.
Visits, Experiences & Volunteer Services
We provide diverse opportunities for field trips and experience activities to youths to broaden their knowledge and set goals for the future. We help them visit national institutions and various facilities and experience many different fields. Through vivid on-site education, youths can put things into perspective and learn how to live together with others.
Beautification of School Environment
We make efforts to provide children with good environments for education by cleaning up around schools, drawing murals beneficial to their emotions, and cleaning educational equipments.