“Confidence” is one of the most important factors in showing the best performance in a sport. If players are nearly equal in their skills, the player with high confidence definitely has an advantage. Self-confidence is assurance about success, a state of mind believing that you can do something successfully. So if you have self-confidence, your positive auto-suggestion reduces stress and anxiety, strengthens concentration and keeps challenging, and improves performance.
Then how can you increase your confidence? In general, outgoing and optimistic people are highly confident. Although you are not born with such genes, you can develop your confidence in various ways: Recall your past success that you experienced in the same situation, watch videos about those who accomplished their goals in similar conditions to yours, maintain your best body condition, and make you feel good.
Eminent American psychologist Albert Bandura said, “A top-ranked player is good at managing self-confidence. Even a competent player, if daunted, cannot help but play a passive game.” Then, isn’t confidence management one of skills? It’s because confidence determines the win or loss of a match.