The 101st Hit


A reporter asked a question to Benjamin Franklin, well-known as a scientist, politician, and diplomat.

“How could you accomplish your goals without giving up, despite many difficulties?”

Franklin replied,

“Have you ever watched a stonemason work? He hammers the same spot at least 100 times even if he may not see any hint of a crevice. But when he hammers the 101st time, there comes a crack in the rock. The rock is cracked not because he hit it so strongly on the 101st try, but because he hit it 100 times before.”

We need patience to get the results we want. It is the same when we preach the gospel. There are times we feel frustrated because things don’t go our way, but that is the process needed to bear beautiful fruits of the gospel. Maybe it is your 100th try hitting the rock when you feel like giving up. I hope every one of us will bear abundant fruits of the gospel by giving our 101st attempt with great patience.

“He that can have patience can have what he will.” Benjamin Franklin