The highest point on most exams is 100. When expressing something that is satisfied or full, the number 100 is used in a percentage. Even at 99℃, the water stays still, but when it reaches 100℃, it boils. So the number 100 is the final goal that cannot be surpassed or the highest score with no fault.

There is a final goal for us as we work to save souls. Until all the prophecies of the Bible are completed, we must do our best to fill ourselves with 100% faith and 100% passion for the gospel, and change into a 100% beautiful character, so that we will complete the God-given mission of the gospel.

It is difficult to accomplish the goal of faith if something interrupts us or if we go on sideways in the process. Let us remove all impurities in our souls and continue our way a little more diligently without missing our direction, until we stand before God with 100 points.

“So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” 2Pe 3:14