Book of Acts of the Female Pastoral Staff
Seo Ha-neul from Puebla, Mexico

I am a pastoral staff wife. Before coming here, I carried out the gospel ministry in El Salvador. I’d like to share what happened while I was visiting a doctor’s office in El Salvador. When I finished talking with the overseer’s wife of the main church in El Salvador on the phone in Korean at the waiting room, a nurse came up to me.
“I’m learning Korean because I’m very interested in Korea. I heard you speaking in Korean, and I just came to say hello,” said the nurse shyly. She then kindly asked me when I came to El Salvador, and if I was adapting well to the lifestyle here. It was an unexpected situation, but we continued a friendly conversation. We had fun talking about Korean culture for about an hour. Then the nurse got up to leave, saying that she was sorry for taking too much of my time, and telling me to have a nice day. At that moment, it suddenly struck me that I should not just leave the soul alone.
“I go to the Church of God. Our church believes in God the Father and God the Mother.”
“I’ve never heard about God the Mother. Is it Mary?”
“No. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation testifies about God the Father and God the Mother. This message is very important for our salvation. I want to invite you to the Church of God that believes in God the Father and God the Mother. Would you like to come to our church?”
After thinking for a moment, she willingly accepted my invitation. From then on, I started praying earnestly for her. Finally, the appointment day came. She arrived earlier than the appointment time. As I saw her waiting for me, my heart overflowed with joy and thankfulness. At first, she said she didn’t have much time, but her heart was open wide by God’s grace while she was studying the Bible. She continued to study the word of God and was blessed to become a child of Heavenly Father and Mother. I put my hands together and pray that she will grow strong in her faith.
Every time I go out, I pray to God: ‘Please allow me to boast about Father and Mother to all the souls I meet today.’
Making this prayer come true depends on my efforts. Believing that God would help me, I preached the truth to the workers at the Korean Embassy when I visited there for my visa as well as to the owners of the bakeries and grocery stores I visited often.
Now that I’ve realized the joy and happiness of preaching, I have so many things to thanks God for. My heart flutters with joy every time I boast about Father and Mother and preach the New Covenant. God said, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season” (2 Ti 4:2). With a determination to obey this teaching of God with joy, I will faithfully carry out my duties as a fellow worker of the gospel and preach the truth diligently to everyone I meet. I believe that if I continue to do so, I will surely meet my beautiful heavenly family members like the sister I met at the doctor’s office.