

When we first put on a new pair of shoes, we take much care of our new shoes to keep them as clean as we can; if our shoes get dirty even a little bit, we wipe the dirt off them right away. However, after we repeat the same thing several times, we come to care less about our shoes than we did at first.

It is the same with our life of faith. When we fully realize God, we make great efforts to keep our souls clean by engraving God’s word in our hearts and trying to conduct ourselves in a godly way in everything. If we commit a mistake or fault accidently, we feel so sorry towards God that we become perplexed about what to do. However, if we repeat the same thing over and over again, our minds gradually become dull. As the spiritual dirt is accumulated, we come to feel less guilty, and later we cannot even recognize the fact that our behaviors are wrong.

It is a really fearful and trembling thing. In order to be found spotless and blameless before God, we must always be alert to keep our souls from being stained with sin. Abstaining from things unprofitable to our souls, we should always try to beautify our souls with the laws and teachings given by Heavenly Father and Mother at the proper time.

“So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” 2 Pe 3:14