I Will Obey It with All My Heart

Kim Hye-been from Incheon, South Korea


Since I was little, I’ve been under God’s blessing with my family. However, I began to attend worship services just out of habit. I really hated myself for doing that, and I felt sorry to God. Out of frustration, I opened the Bible, where I found out what I had been missing out on.

Teach me, O LORD, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Ps 119:33–34

It is natural that we, God’s people, should keep the law of God with all our heart in any and every circumstance. How much more should we obey God’s law in peaceful, favorable circumstances? Only after reading the aforesaid verse did I realize how blessed I was to be able to keep worship services without any worry ever since my childhood. Each and every worship service was so precious to me. I truly give thanks to God for leading me on a smooth path, and I earnestly pray that I will never neglect God’s law in any circumstances.