Articles with No Malicious Comments

조회 5,401

Some say malicious comments are better rather than no comments. But if they go through malicious comments about themselves, they will change their thought. Although many groups are trying to get rid of malicious comments, there are still many problems that must be solved. But there is a posting that became well-known for no bad comments. The posting goes as below.

“If you are in your mid or late forties and have a daughter, I know it’s brazen, but would you call me just once, ‘My daughter’? I have no mother who can call me gently, ‘My daughter.’ So I really want to hear that at least once.”

At this short writing, thousands of comments were posted. “I love you, my daughter,” “Mom is always on your side,” “Mom is thankful to you for growing up this beautifully,” or “My daughter, it’s cold. Tuck yourself up in bed.” Despite so many comments, no bad comments were found.

All people must have had the same heart of yearning for mother’s love. No one jeered at her or threw mud at her, but all posted warm words just like telling her in a soft voice.