A Picture Book for a Friend

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Jonah (8), who lives in Los Angeles, is a glycemic patient with a rare liver disease that affects about 500 people around the world. No cure has been developed yet, and because of the severe hypoglycemic symptoms, he should take cornstarch, which slowly supplies blood sugar to the blood, once every three hours. Dylan, who is his best friend, wondered what he could do for his friend. Then, he decided to do the fundraising for the treatment research for his friend’s disease. He made and sold mini picture books.

The title of the book is “Chocolate Bar,” which was published after he had persistently asked his parents to publish. A chocolate bar is a slang word that means awesome. For example, “going to a beach is a chocolate bar!” “Helping a friend is a chocolate bar!”

His book was a hot issue and eventually became one of the bestsellers. The book’s autograph sessions were held at famous bookstores, and the book was sold in 42 countries around the world, being introduced to major American media. The collected donations were more than any other organization for the treatment of glycogen storage disease research had collected. Dylan did a great job because of his love for his friend. Doesn’t such a beautiful friendship deserve to be called “chocolate bar” he referred to as?