The darker it is, the brighter the moonlight seems. The brilliant shining moon in the night sky lights up the streets at night and works as a guide.
The moon does not emit any light. However, the reason it seems to emit light is that the light from the sun reflects on the surface of the moon.
When the moon receives the sunlight on a little part of itself, it becomes a crescent moon. When it receives the light on half of its surface, it becomes a half moon and when the light is reflected on the whole moon, it becomes a full moon.
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light . . .” Eph 5:8
God is light. He shines His light in our dark hearts, and tells us to shine the light in this dark world.
Just as the degree of darkness depends on how much sunlight the moon absorbs and reflects, the brightness of the world depends on how much light of God we accept and reflect, because we cannot emit the light by ourselves.
If we fill God’s light fully in our hearts, the light of God’s glory will be revealed more brightly.
We must shine the world with good deeds and truthfulness as the children of light until the darkness is completely gone.