To Enhance the Beauty of the Bride


There is nothing more suitable than Hanbok (traditional Korean dress) for traditional Korean holidays, and Norigae (a traditional Korean accessory) goes well with Hanbok. Western clothing is suitable for formal occasions, and a brooch can make the outfit look more elegant.

Being properly dressed for any occasion makes the wearers look nice and it even ennobles them.

“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) Rev 19:7–8

In this age, when the heavenly wedding banquet where Heavenly Mother appears as the Bride is spread throughout the world, we are invited to this glorious banquet, being ornaments on the dress of the Bride. Then, what kind of ornaments should we become to make the Bride stand out prominently in Her wedding dress?

Speaking gracious words, serving others, sacrificing ourselves, being considerate of others . . . These are truly elegant ornaments that enhance the beauty of the Bride by making Her wedding dress stand out.

Through our good deeds as God’s children, let us shine the glory of Jerusalem our Heavenly Mother all over the world.

What should we prepare to enhance the beauty of the Bride, who is the heroine of the wedding banquet?