I was working as a freelancer, and my work was done. I remember clearly the day I decided that I would travel the world. One day, I was sitting in a coffee shop, watching people passing by. Suddenly, my mind started wondering, and I started questioning things like, ‘What is the purpose of being on this earth? Why is everything so monotone and repetitive? Where is happiness?’ I realized that even if I travel the world, I would not feel complete happiness, because everything was a routine like wake up, shower, eat, and sleep. So I came to the conclusion that this earth is like a prison. Deep down in my heart, I was looking for answers, and I was longing for true love, family love.
On a Sunday night inside a mall, I was waiting for one of my friends. While waiting, I saw three ladies walking towards me. One of them asked me with a beautiful smile, “Have you ever heard about Heavenly Mother?” I answered, “No, Heavenly Mother?” It sounded so interesting that I couldn’t help but ask for more. I could not solve all of my curiosity on the spot, so we exchanged phone numbers to meet again the next day.
The next day, we met again to study the words of the Bible. I had never imagined Heavenly Mother would be found in the Bible. So when they told me about the truth about Heavenly Mother with the words of the Bible, including Genesis 1:26, I was shocked. Since young, I used to think there was not only the male image of God but also the female image of God, and what I had always believed was actually true!
I started laughing with so much happiness. In a book I read in my childhood, “Let Us” from Genesis was an enigma for me, but now the old enigma was solved. As I studied the words of the Bible, my jaw dropped, hearing that this earth is our spiritual prison where we were expelled to because we had sinned in heaven. It was even more surprising because it was the same as what I had been thinking.
That day, I realized Heavenly Father and Mother, and was blessed to be born again as a child of God. I was so joyful and happy that I finally met the true God. I can’t describe how happy I was when I learned that we are heavenly family and that I have many brothers and sisters around the world.
God’s grace and sacrifice allowed this sinner to receive the promise of salvation. I am so grateful that Father and Mother have bestowed so much mercy on this sinner who has to repent from the bottom of the heart. Also, I am truly sorry that I hurt Father and Mother so many times, acting like an immature child and taking Their love and words of salvation for granted. From now on, I want to always remember my first love and the happiness that I felt when I received the blessing of eternal life, and carry out the duty of preaching to seven billion people.