Everybody Is a Winner


A picture of an elementary school sports day went viral in Korea. In the picture, there are five boys walking on the track, holding hands together. Everybody is smiling except one boy who is shorter than the other boys; this boy is wiping his tears. Why is that?

This is what happened: The short boy didn’t grow much because of a disease. Every time they had a race, he was always last. The other boys wondered what they could do for him. They had an amazing idea and asked their teacher for approval. At the starting signal, they seemed to run a little, but then they all stopped and waited for their friend who was coming last, and they all crossed the finish line together. Surprised by the friends’ consideration, the short boy, all the parents, teachers, other students, and everyone in attendance were moved to tears. Netizens who heard about this wrote, “We have to learn from the elementary school students,” and “This picture moves me to tears.”

These students were more eager to be considerate of their friend than to become a winner. Through this, they received a Good Citizen Citation, and enjoyed the last sports day of their elementary school lives.