When you go to a restaurant for a meal or when you enter a store to buy something, if shop assistants give a warm welcome to you, you will feel very good. Even if you are not so satisfied with a product, you may sometimes buy it because of the kindness of a sales assistant.
Thus, kindness is powerful, then why don’t you regard your family as your customers and treat them as gently as possible this month? It is not as easy as it sounds to be always kind to your family. Sometimes, when you are upset, when you are ill, or when you care about other things, you may bluntly speak and act. Because of this, you may feel regret about hurting or misunderstanding each other.
You can treat even perfect strangers with a smile. Is there any reason you cannot do that to your family? If you treat your family kindly and gently, regarding them as your VIP customers, your home will be filled with bright and cheerful energy!
- Tip
- Practice putting on a gentle smile before a mirror.
- Speak softly in a friendly tone when talking to your family.
- Explain kindly what your family does not know.
- Listen to your family to the end with a smile on your face.
- Frequently say, “Thank you,” or “I appreciate it.”
- Look with tolerance upon your family’s mistake.
- When your family needs something, hand it before you are asked.
- When entering your house together, hold the door open until all come in.
- After performing a mission during a certain period, try to score each other’s kindness.