The darkest hour is just before dawn. Likewise, the most hopeless time in a person’s life can be a sign that hope is coming.
Everyone experiences frustrations. Things do not always go as planned, and sometimes something bad happens unexpectedly. Whenever this situation occurs, we become so discouraged and downcast that we feel like just giving up. Even though we keep looking around, it seems like there is no way to out. At that very moment, God extends His hand to us.
When the Israelites came out of Egypt, there were so many frustrating situations awaiting them. However, God did not leave His people alone to fall. When they were trembling in fear, trapped between the Egyptian army pursuing them fiercely and the Red Sea being agitated violently, God divided the Red Sea and made a way for them. He also destroyed the walls of Jericho in an instant, which was a seemingly impregnable fortress standing in front of them just before their entrance into Canaan.
In any and every situation, even in the face of frustration, if we look up to God, there is no longer an obstacle in our way. There will be a way even in the sea, and an obstacle will become a stepping stone to a greater faith.
Everyone experiences frustration and despair from time to time. However, we have the light of hope which is stronger than despair. Please never forget that Heavenly Father and Mother are always with you. Even at this moment, God says, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
“Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mt 28:20