One day, while I was on my way to work just as usual, a man came to me and handed me a piece of paper. It was a flyer for finding his daughter, who was thirty nine then. The flyer had her picture when she was eleven, along with the description of how she looked and what she was wearing. The father, who had been looking for his lost daughter for about 30 years, was handing out the flyers to passersby, with his back bent and his hands wrinkled. Suddenly, a verse crossed my mind.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Lk 19:10
Heavenly Father, too, could not take care of Himself while focusing only on finding His lost heavenly children for thirty-seven years. It is all thanks to Father’s sacrifice that I can have comfort in the arms of Mother.
Thank You, Father, for finding me without giving up on me.