A man was walking along a path. The sunlight shining through the dense forest and a fresh breeze made him feel happy and refreshed. Smelling the fragrance of nature all around him, he was walking slowly with his eyes closed. Then he tripped over a sharp rock on the ground. He was so angry that he decided to pull the rock out. He thought it would be easy, however, the deeper he dug the ground, the more he realized how big the rock was. His clothes were soaking wet with sweat, and the sun was already setting. Only then did he realize how silly he was to have tried to pull out the rock. He put the soil that was dug up back into the hole, and covered the sharp peak of the rock which was sticking out of the ground. Then, the rock completely vanished from sight.
Sometimes, we stumble over the faults of others or feel hurt by them. When that happens, let us open our arms and embrace their faults, instead of trying to get rid of them. It is much easier to cover the rock with dirt than to pull it out. Their faults are probably very small, compared with their strengths.