Running water purifies itself, but stagnant water, although it may look calm and peaceful, is bound to go rotten sooner or later.
It is the same with people. When they behave according to their habits, they may feel comfortable because they are accustomed to them. However, when they try to change their habits, they find it tiresome and difficult to do so. If they become so familiar with their habits and do not try to change themselves or attempt something new for a long time, they fall into lazy habits or routines. Indulging in indolence and lethargy, they just keep themselves from attempting to change their thoughts and behaviors, and eventually they end up confining themselves in their habitual routines, being inactive and sluggish like stagnant water.
If we fall into the trap of a familiar and comfortable routine or habit, we become insensitive to stimuli around us. We come to feel insensible even to wondrous and surprising things and just respond slightly or mechanically to a new stimulus. Now the gospel is being preached to the ends of the earth and the glory of the new Jerusalem is being proclaimed to the kings and people of all nations around the world. At this important point in time, are we not spending each day without having a sense of being alert or feeling moved even though we see the prophecies of the Bible being fulfilled so amazingly? Are we not living today like yesterday while just being content with our current daily routines?
Those who are stuck in habitual routines become insensitive to the prophecies and put off the work of preaching the gospel until tomorrow even though they must do it today. While they just hesitate like that, they finally end up being like the wicked servant who said to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming.’ We should always stay awake in faith by paying attention to the words of God who gives us a new heart. If we try our hardest to carry out our God-given mission every day, keeping in step with the prophecies, the gospel will be accomplished without delay.
Are you living today just like yesterday?