Mental Graejil


In order to build a Hanok (traditional Korean-style house), after leveling the ground and setting the foundation stone, builders set up wooden pillars for framing and put a roof on it. The foundation stone, which is called by many names, such as setting stone, first stone, and cornerstone, serves to strengthen the foundation of the house and maintain it firmly. If you set up pillars on the bare ground without a foundation stone, the roots of the pillars may rot by rainwater and the house may collapse.

In order for the pillars to stand firmly on the foundation stone, which is a rugged natural stone, the faces that touch each other must match. For this, the bottom of the wooden pillar must be carefully cut and trimmed to the curvature of the foundation stone surface. This work is called graejil in Korean. If graejil is successful, the pillars will stand firm on the foundation stone without being fixed with nails or glue and without supports. The two materials interlock and hold each other safely, so even if the earth shakes due to an earthquake, the house does not collapse easily.

A house sometimes refers to a home, where family members live and eat together. In order to have a cozy and strong home, we need to do something that pleases our family, that is, mental graejil. Concession, consideration, understanding, respect, and love … these are the essential tools for mental graejil.