There is a research which shows that simply knowing how meaningful and important our work is can help us increase our job satisfaction and efficiency. This is the result of an experiment which an American university professor conducted with employees at a call center that raises donations for a university over the phone and with rescue workers at a local sports center.
The call center employees, who were greatly discouraged because they had to deal with customers who felt offended and complained about the sudden calls asking for donations every day, had time to meet the students who had received scholarships thanks to their efforts. It boosted their morale and doubled the amount of donation as well. The rescue workers at a local sports center also came to spend more time in relief work after they heard of cases where people were dramatically rescued from the crisis of life and death.
It is natural that people feel reluctant to do a job which is not acknowledged by others and more work compared to what they are getting paid. However, if they know that they can change someone’s life or save a life through that job, they will not consider other people’s reactions or their wages; these are no more important to them.
Saving dying souls—this is the most valuable work in the world. Though it takes us so much effort to save a soul and the world looks unfavorably upon us, the souls who have heard the good news of salvation from us are given a new life and live in true happiness. So it is truly rewarding work that cannot be compared with anything else in the world.
Please always remember this: The gospel work you are carrying out now is so precious beyond all compare since you participate in the work of saving souls as the workers of the new covenant.