Parents’ Joy and Happiness

Kristy Burkholder from Seattle, WA, U.S.


This happened when we were driving to Wisconsin to see my husband’s mother who had hidden her sickness from us and only had a short time to live. It was not a planned trip but rather an emergency to be with her. Not to speak of worries about her health, it was not an easy trip with three active young girls in their car seats for hours.

It was when we were driving through Montana. There was nothing but the sun and an ever stretching road before us. Talking to my husband about his mother, we were tired with mixed emotions. But all of a sudden, all three girls began to laugh aloud! We didn’t even know why they were laughing. Anyway they held their sides with laughter! Then my husband started to laugh, and I too started to laugh. We were all laughing!

I will never ever forget that moment. Even recounting that moment makes me smile and choked with emotions. At that exact moment all our worries, fear, and anxiety disappeared. I felt like all my dreams had come true. As I have the best family, I don’t envy anyone else in the whole world.

And I realized why we need to be joyful always. It’s because children are the source of laughter and true happiness to their parents. Even though parents are tired or stressed in great pain, if they see their children happy, they are relieved from anxiety and feel joy themselves. This is why I always want to be happy and find positives in every situation, because I know that when I’m happy, Heavenly Father and Mother can be happy.

As a child who has already caused Them great pain, I only want to bring a smile to Their face, now and forever. And I wish all my family members too will do that.