The Most Popular Titles


The title of a book determines the first impression it will receive. The title of a book should suggest the overall content of the book well, and attract the attention of the readers. As a result, authors make every effort to select a perfect title before publishing their book.

From the title of a book, readers can somewhat determine the social circumstances and interests of the people during the time period the book was written. To commemorate “World Book Day” on April 23, 2019, the National Library of Korea surveyed the titles of books published in 1998, 2008, and 2018, respectively. They ranked the words most frequently used in titles from 1st to 20th. Some of the words that appeared during only one of those years were time, wisdom, future, and education. The words that appeared most frequently during two of those years were God, mom, child, and success. The words that appeared in all three of those years were world, mind, happiness, and person. Notably, there is one word that not only appeared in all three of those years, but also won the first place every time. It is the word love.

Wherever people live, this one thing is unlikely to change even though the times we live in are constantly changing. It is the fact that love is what we all want, need, and focus on more than anything else.