Let’s say, you were on the brink of death but get saved by someone’s help. You cannot help but rejoice at the relief that your one and only life was saved. At the same time you will be thankful towards the person who saved you, along with the joy of salvation.
In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the LORD, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.” Isa 25:9
We were mired in the swamp of sin and had no choice but to die. However, God saved our souls.
Even though there may be lots of tough things in life, we are joyous and happy beyond all bounds because of God who saved us. We are thankful to Him.
If happiness fades away from our hearts and grumbling surges up more than appreciation, let’s remember the state of our soul before meeting God. What would have happened to our soul if we hadn’t met Heavenly Father and Mother. Then our rejoice for salvation will surge up again and will be thankful to the brim.