A curious and talkative eaglet greeted Dad eagle, who had just returned to the nest after flight, and asked.
“Dad, can I fly powerfully as you do?”
“Dad, can I fly to that distant mountain over there in a breath?”
“Dad, can I also have the title, ‘king of the sky’?”
“Dad, can I feel free, giving myself to the wind?”
“Dad, how do you feel when you look down on the ground in the air?”
“Dad, when can I use my two wings? My wings are small and weak…”
Dad eagle, who looked with affection at his young who was not giving him a chance to answer, said,
“Why don’t you find the answers by yourself? Now, look at the farthest place you can see and spread your wings as wide as you can. Then jump out of the nest and soar up into the sky as hard as you can. The only way to make your small and weak wings strong is to flap your wings.”