Hwang Hui was one of the most celebrated premiers of the Joseon dynasty of Korea. He had three sons, but one of them was an embarrassment. Every time his son went out, he came back inebriated in the late evening. Hwang hui agonized over his son. One day, Hwang hui came outside and welcomed his son courteously, wearing his official robes.
“Good evening!”
Surprised, his son persuaded his father to stop.
“Father, why are you doing this?”
Hwang Hui responded,
“If a son does not listen to his father, he does not belong to the family. Simply put, he is a guest, not a son. So, I’m politely greeting a guest who’s visited my home.”
Hearing what his father said, the son repented of his wrong doings and vowed not to go back to his prodigal life.