Getting Rid of Thorns from My Heart

The Baltimore Church in MD, U.S.


There was a cleanup at the Seneca Creek State Park in Maryland. The park manager asked us to get rid of weeds and invasive plants.

It was easy to pull the weeds that had dried up during the winter. When we were almost done with our project, we found fresh green rosebushes in the corner. The green bushes looked pretty, so we were going to leave them there. However, just to be sure, we asked the park manager and he said they were invasive plants and we had to get rid of them. As we were confused and didn’t understand why roses were harmful plants, he explained that the thorns of the rosebush might choke animals.

Right after that, we started getting rid of the rosebushes. However, due to their sharp thorns, our work speed was slow. Even putting the trimmed rosebushes into the trash bags was not easy.

It seems to be the same as getting rid of our spiritual thorn bushes. If we leave the thorn bushes because they seem to look okay outwardly, it will cause an irreversible consequence. Before it happens, we should cut them off even though it is difficult.

If we hadn’t been united with one another, we wouldn’t have been able to get rid of the rosebushes completely. Likewise, we will be able to completely get rid of the thorn bush of our heart if we pray for and help each other.