The roof of a house was broken by a strong typhoon. The house owner could not even think about repairing the roof although rain fell from the ceiling when it rained. The owner thought, ‘When it stops raining, I’ll repair the roof.’ After the rain stopped, however, he once again changed his mind, seeing the clear sky. ‘This week, I need to weed out in the field, so I’ll repair it next week.’ A week later, the house owner even regarded it as annoying. ‘There will be no rain for a while, so I’ll repair it in the rainy season.’ While postponing it again and again, the rainy season returned and the house was messed up by heavy rains.
British psychologist Richard Wiseman surveyed 3,000 British people to see how they implemented their New Year’s resolutions. About 12% of them kept their resolutions for the year. That’s about one out ten.
The more you postpone what you have to do, the more likely you are not doing it. This is called The Law of Diminishing Intent. If you wait for the perfect preparation, you may not even be able to start. If you feel like doing something, now is the very time to get started!