During the school holidays in 2019, our church student group members, along with our teacher who was in charge, planned to perform a volunteer service and visited a senior citizen center with a hope to create good memories and spend our vacation meaningfully. The person at the center heard our plan and gladly allowed us to carry out our plan. “I’ve watched how the members of the Church of God conduct volunteer services. If you are students from that church, you are always welcome,” he said. Grateful for such unexpected hospitality, we prepared a program with a resolution to bring joy and inspiration to senior citizens.
On the day of our volunteer service, the seniors greeted us with smiles as bright as the weather. The center was full of laughter as if their scattered family members gathered in their rural homes for the holidays.
After greeting them, we pulled up our sleeves right away to clean the center. After cleaning restrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and their rooms, we gave seniors shoulder massages and gathered by threes or fives to listen to their stories. As we listened to them, we could feel how much they missed their children who were living far away. When we gave them a surprising performance with our choir and dance routines, they looked very happy. A senior took a video of us performing, saying he would watch it whenever he remembered us. Another lady senior held our hands and told us to come back another time. We were so moved. Even though it was a short time, we became close to seniors who treated us wholeheartedly as if we were their grandchildren. We felt reluctant to leave. When we were leaving the center after saying goodbye, one of them said to us, “What are we, the elderly, that you’re concerned about us? Thank you for your attention. We were happy today thanks to you all.”
For the first time, I realized that our attention could bring great happiness to someone. After that day, I make efforts to deliver happiness to people around me by paying attention to them.