I prayed to God many times to allow me to bear good fruit of the gospel, but it was hard to bear fruit. I was wondering why, and then a verse came into view.
“If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” Jn 15:7
The secret of receiving whatever I want is having the words of God in me. On the contrary, if there is no word of God in me, I cannot get what I want. Heavenly Mother always gives us sound instructions and godly teachings so that we can go back to the kingdom of heaven. However, I have been lazy in engraving God’s words upon my mind and in practicing the words given to me, and I have been only asking for many things from God. I was no different from a child who ignores his parents’ words and asks for only what he wants.
I resolve to become a full-grown child who thinks the words of God and practices them, before asking for what I want.