When taking a picture, you can get many different photos from the same scene according to the focal point; your photos may turn out bright or dark, blurry or clear.
It is the same with your faith. You may have a completely different feeling about the same situation according to what you focus your faith on. Aren’t you focusing your faith on yourself and feeling satisfied with your own efforts? My feelings, my pain, and my thoughts—this self-centered faith makes us focus only on things right in front of us and it eventually leads us to complain.
We must put God at the center of our hearts. Moving away from childish faith and trying to match ourselves with God, we should focus on Elohim our Father and Mother who sacrifice for us every single moment and show us the full extent of Their love.
If you are facing a hard situation, think of Father who went through even greater suffering and also think of Mother who must be much more heartbroken. When you focus your faith on God, your heart will always overflow with joy and gratitude.
God is always focusing on His children. Now it is time for us to focus on God.
Whom does your faith stay focused on?