September 5, 2024

Education and Training for Teachers for Children, Students, Young Adults 2024

Learning Teacher’s Virtues From God



Just as students are passionate about their studies and dreams for the future, there are those with a equally strong thirst for learning: the guidance teachers by age group at the Church of God. These teachers, who sometimes act as parents and other times as friends, are dedicated to helping children, students, and young adults of the church develop both faith and character while instilling correct values. To enhance their skills and qualities, they participated in monthly online education sessions and attend annual gatherings once or twice a year, renewing their commitment to their mission.

On September 5, the “Education & Training for Teachers for Children, Students, and Young Adults 2024” was held at the Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute. Approximately 4,000 teachers and pastoral staff members participated in this event, reflecting on their educational activities from the past year and learning the virtues of being a good teacher.

During the worship service, Mother offered a prayer for the teachers who had guided children, students, and young adults with God’s word and loved them as their own. She prayed that they may be richly rewarded in heaven for their dedication, especially in the face of the long summer heat, remaining steadfast in faith and love. She also reminded everyone, “Even in this age of advanced technology, where knowledge is easily accessible, true education for future leaders must be carried out with the love and sincerity instructed by Heavenly Father.” Further encouraging the teachers, Mother stated, “Teachers must first devote themselves to the teachings of the Bible, the greatest educational resource, and, through prayer, draw on God’s power to guide the children, students, and young adults toward a future built on sound faith and character” (Rev 3:9–12; 2 Ti 3; 2 Pe 1:9–21; Mt 23:11–13; Eph 6:10–20).

After the worship service, the award ceremony for outstanding teachers took place. A total of 24 teachers, recognized for their long-standing contributions or excellence in completing online education, were celebrated with applause and cheers. Mother personally presented certificates to the awardees and expressed Her gratitude to all attendees with a heartfelt round of applause.

After the awards ceremony, education was conducted through video presentations. The first video, titled “Guidance Teachers Who Resemble Father,” emphasizes that a teacher’s role is to instill a vision, as Heavenly Father set an example, requiring infinite care, patience, and action. Interviews with teachers from various regions, who shared their insights on guiding children, students, and young adults from diverse cultures and generations, resonated deeply with the audience.

The second video, titled “A Miracle of One Line: Gratitude Journal,” highlighted the positive changes experienced by teachers, parents, and children who wrote daily gratitude journals. The guidance teachers and the families featured in the video shared how keeping a gratitude journal helped them view life through a more positive lens and improved communication not only within their families but also between teachers and students. The video also offered practical tips, such as setting a regular time for journaling and using notebooks or apps for easy access, to cultivate the habit of gratitude journaling.

After the education session, the teachers expressed their determination to put what they learned into practice with love. Kim Gyeong-hee, an elementary school teacher from Daegu, stated, “There are many methods in education, but the most essential element is love. I will do my best as a guidance teacher by carefully examining what the children need.” Jang Mi-jeong, a first-time attendee and preschool teacher from Seongnam, shared, “The educational methods from my generation and today’s generation are quite different. I’ve learned that we need to recognize these differences and take the time to understand the children. I will make every effort to guide them in accordance with God’s will.”

Meanwhile, the Education Department at Headquarters is enhancing the quality of age-specific education through communication with teachers via its website and plans to expand online education for teachers in overseas regions.