Test Me and Know My Anxious Thoughts

Kim Su-yeong from Gunpo, Korea


While my faith was growing little by little, I got tested. I thought that “test” was only for a person with weak faith. So I earnestly prayed to God that the hard times would pass by quickly. However, the answer to my prayer was getting delayed.

While I was bearing the time of loneliness and desperation, my hope for heaven grew even bigger. After much time, I realized that the test I had at that time was God’s plan to grow my faith.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Ps 139:23–24

If there was any offensive way in him, David wanted God to reveal it even by testing him, correct it, and lead him to eternal heaven. Through the test, he hoped that his will and ways would stand upright before God.

I looked back on my past days when I wanted to live a peaceful life without a test or suffering. But now, no matter what tests befall me, I will regard them as God’s plans to lead me to heaven. Like David, I will obey God with absolute faith.