The Church of God Honored With ‘Antonio Brack Egg’ National Environmental Award 2024 of Peru

President Boluarte Presents Award for Members’ Environmental Efforts


January 8, 2025 10,284 views

Just over a week into the new year of 2025, joyful news came from Peru. On January 8 (local time), the World Mission Society Church of God was honored with Peru’s National Environmental Award, the “Antonio Brack Egg” Award (Premio Nacional Ambiental-Antonio Brack Egg, PNA-ABE), presented by the President of Peru.

The Antonio Brack Egg Award is the highest environmental distinction in Peru, given annually to individuals or organizations that have made exceptional contributions to environmental protection. Named after Antonio Brack Egg, Peru’s first Minister of Environment, the award was established to commend the remarkable efforts of those who actively work to enhance the quality of life for Peruvians through innovative environmental projects and activities. Its goal is to foster national environmental awareness and inspire further environmental action.

Photo: Peruvian Ministry of Environment

Individuals and organizations that have implemented or developed projects or initiatives to protect Peru’s environment and achieved verifiable positive results are eligible to apply for the Antonio Brack Egg Award. The winners are selected by the Peruvian government following certification by regional authorities regarding their accomplishments. In 2024, a total of 134 entries were submitted from 24 regions across the country. Among these, 11 winning projects (top awards in each category) and 8 excellence awards were selected. The Church of God participated with their project titled “The Miracle of the Andes” and achieved the highest score in the citizen environmental activity category. This recognition led to the Church of God receiving Peru’s highest environmental award, marking a significant milestone just six months after the Church was honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor by the Peruvian Congress on July 25 of the previous year.

Photo: Peruvian Ministry of Environment
Photo: Peruvian Ministry of Environment

The award ceremony was held at 4 p.m. at the Presidential Palace. During the event, Pastor Kim Wang-hyeon of the Church of God in Faucett, representing the Church of God in Peru, accepted the certificate and plaque from President Dina Boluarte. In her speech, President Boluarte congratulated the winners and remarked, “Your creative efforts and dedication are making a significant contribution to achieving our common goals of sustainable development, poverty eradication, and protecting the earth.” The ceremony was broadcast live nationwide and received extensive media coverage. It was featured prominently in major daily newspapers and appeared on the front page of the official Peruvian government gazette, El Peruano.

Photo: Peruvian Ministry of Environment

Peru, a country significantly impacted by climate change through phenomena such as desertification and El Niño floods, actively promotes environmental initiatives on a national scale. The members of the Church of God in Peru have dedicated over 25 years to environmental efforts, including cleanup campaigns, tree planting, and supporting victims of El Niño floods throughout the country. In 2024 alone, they carried out an impressive 269 environmental activities, such as planting approximately 8,500 trees in 68 separate events. Beyond environmental efforts, they demonstrated the love of God Elohim through blood drives, donations to those in need, and support for children’s and elderly welfare facilities.

Pastor Kim Wang-hyeon, who accepted the Antonio Brack Egg Award, expressed, “I believe this award was bestowed by Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, who recognize the unwavering efforts of our Peruvian family. Their passionate sharing of the love received from Heavenly Mother with their neighbors has been truly remarkable. I will continue to do my utmost to glorify God and share His love with all the people of Peru.”

The World Mission Society Church of God was honored with the “Antonio Brack Egg” National Environmental Award 2024 of Peru.