Ascension Day Service and Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost 2024

Toward the Great Work of the Gospel to Be Achieved by the Power of the Holy Spirit

May 19, 2024 9,593 views

Two thousand years ago in Jerusalem, 120 saints gathered in the Mark’s upper room. After witnessing Jesus ascend to heaven 40 days after His resurrection, they devoted themselves to prayer every day until they received the promised gift from God. Then, ten days later, on the day of Pentecost, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Overcoming their fears and hesitation, they boldly preached the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit, leading 3,000 and 5,000 people to the truth in a single day. They spread the message of Christ beyond Jerusalem to Europe, opening a new horizon for the gospel.

The Church of God, which inherited the faith and the truth of the new covenant from the early Church, commemorates Ascension Day on the 40th day after the Day of Resurrection, and keeps the Sacred Assembly of Pentecost on the 50th day every year. This year, each feast worship service was held in the Churches of God around the world on May 9 and 19, with the Prayer Week of Pentecost worship services held for the 10 days in between. The members kept the feast holy, hoping for greater blessings and power of the Holy Spirit than in the days of the early Church.

Commemorative Service of the Ascension Day With the Joy of Ascension and the Confidence of Faith

On Ascension Day, Heavenly Mother gave thanks to Heavenly Father, who granted the hope of ascension to the children. She prayed that all the children, united in heart, would ask for the Holy Spirit, believing they would receive it, and that they would lead many souls to heaven in the blessing of the Holy Spirit of the latter rain, which is stronger than at Jesus’ first coming.

General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol said, “Two thousand years ago, despite persecution from Jewish society, the joy of the disciples, who witnessed Jesus’ ascension, would have been beyond description. Transformed by steadfast faith, they boldly proclaimed the truth, fulfilling the command to ‘preach the gospel to all nations,’ leading thousands to salvation in a single day.” He further stated, “We, who will partake in the future glory of ascension, must bear the gospel mission given by God with confident faith,” encouraging the members (Ac 1:6–11; 1 Th 4:13–18; 2 Pe 3:11–14; Mt 28:18–20). Moreover, he remarked, “The place where God Himself reigns is Zion, where the seven feasts in three times are celebrated. So, let us take pride in being members of Zion and live a life of faith with joy and gratitude, leading many souls to Zion, the refuge of salvation. And for this, during the Prayer Week of the Pentecost, let us earnestly seek the power of the Holy Spirit, hoping to experience the fulfillment of our prayers” (Isa 52:7–8; 33:20–24; Ps 97, 99).

Mother hoped that through the feasts, not a single member would miss putting on the full armor of the Holy Spirit. In accordance with Mother’s wish, all members welcomed the Prayer Week of the Pentecost with earnestness, considering what they would seek by prayer.

Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost: The Gates of the Gospel Open Through Actions

The Day of Pentecost dawned with the smoke of the incense of prayers offered by members from all over the world during the ten-day prayer week that began on the evening of Ascension Day.

Mother prayed that through the blessing of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, a fervent gospel movement would arise so that the water of life from the Spirit and the Bride would reach all people around the world.

General Pastor Kim gave a lesson on the attitude of members who have received the Holy Spirit. “The foundation for the explosive growth of the early Church, even in harsh circumstances, was laid by the saints who were completely transformed by receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. They were united with a sense of mission, devoted themselves to studying the word of God, and preached tirelessly,” he said. He then emphasized, “If we follow these steps with faith, God will be moved to open the door to the world evangelism, since He is the One with the key (Ac 2:1–12, 40–41).” He added, “Just as the apostles fervently proclaimed the name of Jesus, the Savior in the Age of the Son, starting from Pentecost, let us too and boldly proclaim the name of Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Savior in the Age of the Holy Spirit.” The members then expressed their commitment with a resounding “Amen” (Rev 3:12; Isa 52:5–6; Heb 9:27–28).

Mother encouraged the members who had come to pray to God for ten days in the early morning and evening, and instilled courage in them, saying that if they preach with the power of the Holy Spirit, they will achieve greater results than before. She encouraged Her children to boldly proclaim the gospel with fervor, wisdom, and courage from the Holy Spirit, and urged them once again to shine as the salt and light of the world, glorifying God.

The members have been clothed with the Holy Spirit under the prayers and encouragement of Mother, and are now dreaming of the great work of the gospel that will be accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are determined to fervently spread the joyful news of salvation to all nations, accelerating the Holy Spirit Movement like the early Church saints.

On the 40th day after Jesus rose from the dead, He ascended into heaven; and on the 50th day, He poured down the Holy Spirit, fulfilling the prophetic achievements according to the works of Moses in the Old Testament times.
Commemorative Service of the Ascension Day
On the 40th day after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Moses arrived in the wilderness of Sinai, climbed Mount Sinai, and approached God (Ex 19:1–7). This is a prophecy of what Jesus would accomplish; Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days after His resurrection (Ac 1:3–9).
Sacred Assembly of the Day of Pentecost
On the 50th day after landing at the Red Sea, Moses climbed Mount Sinai to receive the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written on them from God. God established Pentecost (Old Testament name, Feast of Weeks) to commemorate this day (Ex 24:12–18; Lev 23:15–18). According to prophecy, on the 50th day after the Resurrection, Jesus entered the Most Holy Place in heaven and poured down the Holy Spirit on His disciples (Heb 9:11–24; Ac 2:33).