The Church of God, which is making efforts for the happiness of humanity and a sustainable environment, and the Peruvian government, which pursues the sustainable development of society and the country, are working in solidarity. Minister of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru Julio Demartini was visiting Korea to attend the Global Saemaul Undong Ministerial Meeting 2023 hosted by the Ministry of Interior and Safety of Korea and Busan Metropolitan City. On July 4, despite his busy schedule, he visited the New Jerusalem Pangyo Temple in Korea. Prior to his visit, on May 17, Minister of Environment of Peru Albina Ruiz, who visited Korea for work, too, attended the meeting with ASEZ WAO, the Church of God Young Adult Worker Volunteer Group. In June, the Messiah Orchestra of the Church of God had an orchestra tour in Peru.
Minister Demartini arrived at the Pangyo Temple, welcomed by General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol and ASEZ members, and attended the ASEZ Forum. At the forum attended by more than 500 ASEZ members from 40 countries, Minister Demartini repeatedly emphasized that all members of society should work in solidarity for the prosperity of mankind, saying, “All people in the global village is one big family, and we are brothers and sisters.” Taking the pending issues in Peru as examples, he mentioned social inequality and poverty as common issues for humankind, and explained CUNA MAS, which is the Peruvian government’s supporting program for the development of children under 36 months for underprivileged families. He also looked forward to working together for the future activities of ASEZ, saying, “Cooperation between the government and private organizations is important, and the participation of young people is essential. I hope that all of you who have good influence will join us in saving the earth and helping mankind.”
ASEZ members gave a round of applause to Minister Demartini for giving advice, based on his broad knowledge and experience in public service. Bernardo Naranjo, a graduate student from Technical University of Munich, Germany, said, “Minister Demartini’s lecture was very helpful as ASEZ is about to resume its activities after the COVID-19 pandemic. I will do my best to find the difficulties German society is having and solve them.” Jeong Geon-ho, a student from Seoul National University, Korea, said, “Nowadays, it’s difficult to fully relax even during vacations because people are constantly concerned about finding or selecting their jobs. While listening to today’s lecture, I’ve come to realize that there is a lot of work to be done not just for myself but also for us as part of the global family.”