People Who Preach the Light


The Bible says that God is light. God’s children are called sons of light or children of light (1 Th 5:5; Eph 5:8).

Light is an essential element for living things to exist. God began His creation by making light (Ge 1:1–5). Studying the Bible, let us understand what is the light God has shone on us and what mission He has entrusted to us.

God Came as the Light in the Dark World

All things were created by the will of God (Rev 4:11). When God created light, God embedded His profound providence inside the light He created.

Light assists our eyes, helping us recognize and discern various objects. In pitch-black darkness, we cannot discern what is right in front of us. However, when light shines on us, we are able to discern what is around us. Thus, it is light that breaks and repels darkness. When light shines, darkness is pushed away since it can never defeat light. This is why the Bible testifies that God is light (Jn 1:1–13).

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 Jn 1:5–7

Since God is light, we, who have received God, can discern truth from falsehood as children of light. This is what enables us to walk in the light as we are capable of discerning right from wrong. It is through this that we can defeat the darkness and be victorious (Rev 17:14). This is the profound providence that God put inside the creation of light.

God came into this world as light, but people turn away from Him because they love darkness more than light.

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Jn 3:19

Spiritually, the world now loves darkness more than light. People are distant from God who is light. In this situation, shouldn’t all the children of Zion proclaim the Light?

God has become light to all mankind, and shone the light of life through His word (Ps 119:105). In the Age of the Father, God Jehovah was the light. The prophets of those days such as Noah, Abraham, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel displayed the glory of God Jehovah and shone the light. In the Age of the Son, God, who is light, came to this earth in the name of Jesus. The saints of the early Church, including the Apostles Peter, John, and James, were entrusted with preaching the light of Jesus Christ, and spread the gospel of the new covenant in Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

The Spirit and the Bride, Who Are the Light in the Age of the Holy Spirit

In the Age of the Holy Spirit, in which we live today, Christ Ahnsahnghong and New Jerusalem Heavenly Mother, who are the Spirit and the Bride, are the light. Since we preach Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother, who are Light, we are the ones who spread the light in this age.

In Revelation 22, the last chapter of the Bible, the Spirit and the Bride appear and call out to all mankind.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. Rev 22:17

The Spirit and the Bride, who are God the Father and God the Mother, are calling out to all mankind to return to Zion in haste. Those who correctly recognize Their voice and respond to Their calling come to the light. When people come to the Spirit and the Bride, who are light, and have faith in Them, the water of life is freely granted to them and the promise of a bright future is given to them.

The children of Zion are the ones who preach the light to all people in the world. Those who spread the light in the Age of the Father preached about Jehovah, who was the Savior in the Age of the Father; and those who spread the light in the Age of the Son preached the name of Jesus to all people. As we are now living in the Age of the Holy Spirit when God’s redemption work is to be completed, our mission is to preach the Holy Spirit Ahnsahnghong and the Bride, New Jerusalem Mother, who have come as the true light in this age.

Since we have the mission to testify about Heavenly Father and Mother in this age, we must not be silent. If we remain silent, the redemption work for mankind will be delayed and our souls will fall into danger. Due to the fact that we are entrusted with the mission of spreading the light, we must never be silent. Let us boldly preach the Spirit and the Bride, who are the light in the Age of the Holy Spirit.

Arise and Shine

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isa 60:1–3

Spiritually, the world is now covered with darkness; a thick darkness is over all peoples. Despite that, if we display the glory of Jerusalem, nations and kings will come to God. For this, we are entrusted with the mission to preach the light.

If we hide the light somewhere, the light cannot function. We must vigorously shine the light of glory of Heavenly Father and Mother. Now it is time to wake up from our sleep (Ro 13:11–14). When light shines, those who are sleeping naturally wake up. By spreading the light of Father and Mother with faith, we should wake up the world, and our brothers and sisters who are spiritually asleep as well. When light radiates continuously, thick darkness that has covered all people disappears.

“Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm.” Isa 60:4

The Bible testifies that when the light of God spreads throughout the world, where darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, all the lost children of heaven will gather and return to Zion. When we shine the light and display God’s glory, the prophecy, “The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation,” is fulfilled (Isa 60:21–22).

The world is now waiting for Father and Mother. Countless people in the world are looking forward to Their coming. They realize from the fulfillment of prophecies that the time is near, and that it is now time for the morning sun to rise. All mankind, who is shrouded in darkness, is waiting for the light of the truth about Father and Jerusalem Mother. God is telling His children to arise quickly and shine the light.

Above all, we should believe the prophecies of God and recognize our roles and mission to preach the light, so that we can make known the glory of God who came to this earth, and the teachings of the truth God has brought to all people. By doing so, let us preach the love and devotion of Christ who sacrificed Himself for our salvation.

The Preaching Mission to Shine the Light

When a man faces light, there is a shadow behind him; and when he faces the other side with his back to the light, the shadow is cast before him. Likewise, as long as we head toward God, who is light, darkness can never cover us. On the other hand, if we turn away from God, who is light, the authorities of darkness will shroud us from then on.

While preaching God, who is light, we may encounter various difficult situations. Despite all that, we should always head toward the light for a brighter future, keeping in mind that God always helps us. A dark future is reserved only for those who turn away from the light (Jn 15:1–8). Whoever turns away from the light cannot help but face darkness.

In the 66 books of the Bible, we can see that those who preached the light in each age did not dwell in the temporary difficulties they faced on this earth, but always walked toward the light. Sometimes, they faced difficulties in preaching the light, but God was with them and helped them in everything they did, and in the end God gave them victory.

The prophet Jeremiah was given the mission of shining the light in the Age of the Father. While preaching the word of God, he was severely persecuted by his friends and the people around him. He was so distressed that he said that he would no longer preach the word of the LORD. However, he could not contain the burning desire to preach. He knew that the only way he could save them was by delivering God’s word to them.

O LORD, you deceived me, and I was deceived; you overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me. Whenever I speak, I cry out proclaiming violence and destruction. So the word of the LORD has brought me insult and reproach all day long. But if I say, “I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. Jer 20:7–9

The prophet Jeremiah did not give in to difficult situations, but rather, he preached the word of God with a heart like a fire. He was truly the prophet who fully carried out the mission of preaching the light. Those who are entrusted with the mission of preaching the light should have the heart that cannot endure without preaching.

The Early Church Boldly Preached Christ Who Came as Light

The New Testament, too, shows the work of the apostles and saints who spread the light in the Age of the Son. In the early Church, Jesus was known as a mere son of a Nazarene carpenter. God came to this earth as the true light that gives light to every person, but the world did not know Him. God came to the world which was His own, but His own did not recognize Him (Jn 1:10–11; 12:46–48).

The most foundational and core belief of Christianity is that God came to this earth as a man. However, no one could easily accept that Jesus was God who came to this earth according to the prophecies. The circumstances were not good, but day after day, the saints who were called as preachers of the light never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ (Ac 5:42).

He [Jesus] is “ ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Ac 4:11–12

The apostles, including Peter, emitted the light boldly. It was very difficult for them to preach in those days when Jesus was only known as the son of Joseph the carpenter from Nazareth, Galilee. However, as they walked toward the light, darkness could never come before them.

When they delivered the light, God made a wonderful change occur. According to the Bible, only about 120 members of the early Church gathered in Mark’s upper room when they received the Holy Spirit of the former rain. However, as God opened and moved people’s hearts, nearly 3,000 and even 5,000 people repented and came into the arms of God in one day. Soon, the gospel began to spread to all Israel and even to Asia Minor and Europe. All this was done in accordance with God’s plan, and was the result of the preaching of all the saints who arose to emit the light with one mind.

The Gospel of the Kingdom Is Completed by Preaching the Light

From the Old Testament times to the New Testament times, many forefathers of faith proclaimed the light of God’s glory. At this moment, the prophet Jeremiah must be dwelling in great glory and comforted in the arms of God. How peaceful the souls of the apostles and the saints are right now with God in the heavenly paradise. Although they suffered for a while, thanks to their efforts to emit the light, today many children of Zion are growing mature in faith in 175 countries around the world as the final fruits of the gospel. We must remember that their efforts were never in vain.

Even today, many people reject Second Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother just because They came in the flesh. As the people who spread the light, we should be able to lead people who love darkness more than light to discern what is right from what is wrong, so that they, too, can love light. Let us testify about Heavenly Father and Mother to our hearts’ content. As there is God the Father, isn’t it natural that there is also God the Mother? Remembering what kind of path the people who preached the light walked in the past, let us also shine the light of the Spirit and the Bride and lead all people around the world into the light.

Those who spread the light in the Age of the Holy Spirit are the ones who testify about the Spirit and the Bride. When we shine the light according to the prophecies of the Bible, the gospel of the kingdom of heaven will certainly be fulfilled. We cannot even begin to imagine the great work that God is carrying out. Let us preach the gospel to all people, following the guidance of God, who is the light. Those who walk with their backs to the light are bound to suffer many obstacles, but for those who walk toward the light, God will remove all their difficulties.

Please remember the words, “You are the light of the world. They may see your good deeds and praise God” (Mt 5:14–16). There is no darkness in the path where we walk, looking up to God. As the children of light, who resemble God, let us deliver hope, blessings, and the good news of salvation to all people. Then, our beautiful virtues and gracious deeds will be written in the book of life in heaven, and we in Zion will receive great blessings from God who gives according to what we have done.