After I graduated from university, I worked as an administrative assistant at the school immediately. At first, I was grateful to God for allowing me to accomplish the workplace mission at the school where I had been working for the campus mission until then. As time went by, however, I lost my commitment to the gospel mission.
As the new semester began, things got tougher. I was not familiar with the administrative work, but while dealing with freshmen all at once and carrying out professors’ instructions, I lost track of time. I thought, ‘Do I have to work so hard like this?’
Wanting to be comforted by someone, I pulled out my cell phone and our church app caught my attention.
‘Okay. Why don’t I gain comfort with the word of God, instead of man’s word?’
At the sermon listening section, I clicked on the title, Please Let Me Always Have Hope in God.
“For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth . . . My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.” Ps 71:5–8
In David’s poems recorded in the Book of Psalms, there was only hope for God. He only looked toward God even at the moment of troubles and sufferings and did not lose hope, so God called David “a man after my own heart” (Ac 13:22).
It seemed that God let me hear the sermon so that I should only look toward God and have hope in heaven in all circumstances just as David did.
Through the word of God, I received enough comfort and made a new resolution: I will be born again with strong faith and only look toward God even when I’m troubled or tired, so that I can complete both the campus missions and the workplace mission.