Anger Is Poison Inside of Your Body


There is a saying that goes, “When you get angry once, you will age once. When you laugh once, you will get younger once.” Like these words, laughter makes us younger and healthy, but anger makes us get old and sick. When you get angry, your body produces hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause your blood pressure to rise and your pulse to go faster, damaging the walls of your blood vessels in your heart. When this condition repeats itself, you can easily get diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, and indigestion, and have a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease due to the damage to the brain cells.

Dr. Elmer Gates from America conducted an interesting experiment with human breath. He gathered breath from people and froze it to leave some residue. Amazingly, the color and ingredients of the residue came up differently, depending on the emotion of individuals. Even more amazingly, when he inserted the brown reside which was produced when a person became angry, into an experimental mouse, the mouse died in several minutes. Through this, we can see that when we get angry, our body produces fatal poison.

The habit of getting angry impatiently can damage the health of ourselves and others as well. Let us keep youth and health by having self-control over anger.