Tied with the Bond of Peace

D.Tuvshinjargal from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


I am rather hot-tempered. I’ve become somewhat patient after becoming a child of God, but I haven’t completely changed yet. One day, my impetuosity hurt a member’s feeling. Regretting it, I was reading the Bible to look for a solution. Then these verses caught my attention.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:2–3

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”—these words resounded in my heart. When things didn’t go my way, when somebody misunderstood my words or action, and when somebody thought the very opposite from what I thought, I felt frustrated and couldn’t stand it. It was hard for me to tie up myself with the bond of peace.

However, God, whose example we should follow in our faith, is totally different. God came to the earth in the flesh and went through suffering and persecution to save us. Even though He could have defeated all the evil who stood against Him and punished them right away as Almighty God, He silently chose the path of suffering for the salvation of His children, just as it was written in the Bible that He was led like a lamb to the slaughter and like a silent sheep before her shearers (Isa 53:7). Thinking of my grievous sins taken away through God’s great love and sacrifice, I was ashamed of myself.

Now, I want to practice humility, gentleness, and perseverance, so that I can be bound with the bond of peace. I earnestly pray that no more soul will be hurt because of me. God the Father and God the Mother, please let me be united with brothers and sisters in Zion through the Holy Spirit!