Bushland Care

Maxine Hannah from Sydney, Australia


“Your two hours equal our six months.”

This was what a council member said, when he explained that our volunteer work in two hours would’ve taken them six months to complete. While we were working wholeheartedly with bright smiles and happy laughter ringing through the forest reserve, we planted 120 plants and shoveled three great piles of mulch to cover and protect a large area of native trees and plants.

My realization was to do with One of the most memorable things was the task of mulching, which is to cover the ground around plants with wood chips to prevent excessive evaporation or erosion, enrich the soil, and inhibit weed growth; in the ground where the weeds had already been sprayed, the mulch would prevent them from growing again and the weeds would eventually die completely. The wood chips transforming the somewhat barren land into a beautiful forest full of life and color didn’t look ordinary.

It is Mother’s love that our brothers and sisters all around the world are spreading to 8 billion people, devoting themselves to the cause of the gospel. If Mother’s love fills the whole earth, many souls will be revived and new lives will grow, so all the earth will be filled with the fragrance of life.