The Reason Why One Person’s Concern and Love Is Important
Kim Seon-suk from Chungju, South Korea

Due to the low birth rate and aging population, the number of blood donors is decreasing, whereas the number of patients who need blood transfusions is increasing. Hoping to help those in urgent need of blood, I decided to participate in donating blood, thinking that a patient is someone’s father or mother, or perhaps can be my brother or sister.
Before the start of the event, I visited the hospital to check my eligibility for blood donation. Unfortunately, I found out that I was ineligible to donate blood. However, as I really wanted to be of some help, I decided to volunteer as a staff member.
On the day of the event, the blood bank was crowded with people from early in the morning. The members looked so beautiful when they participated in blood donation with bright smiles. Though I couldn’t donate blood, I was happy just being able to be with them.
The blood donation event began with a welcome speech from the blood bank manager, who said that “one person’s concern is important.” Some members said they had stopped drinking coffee for the day of blood donation; some said they wanted to bring warmth to the world with their small efforts; and some said they always looked forward to volunteering again since they realized that just a little concern for others would return as a greater gift. All the participants were filled with love and anticipation for blood donation.
Among the participants, some members failed to donate blood though they wanted to do just like me. Maybe that’s why the faces of the members, who were eligible to donate blood, shone with bright smiles. If more and more people shine with love for others, the world will be a better place to live in.