There were two brothers who drew a glider against biting wind up to Kill Devil Hills near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, U.S. The engine of the Flyer, which is the airplane made by the two brothers, started, and they successfully made mankind’s first flight with a manned aircraft that flew under its own power. Although the flight lasted only 12 seconds and the distance over the ground was only 120 feet [36.5 meters], it was a great success because their plane blazed a trail in the sky by flying under its own power, not by the wind.
To fulfill their childhood dream of flying in the sky, the Wright brothers pored over aeronautics, mathematics, physics papers, and related books as they worked as bicycle repairmen. They studied day and night and made hundreds of model airplanes, but their planes plunged to the ground every time they tried to glide their planes. Whenever they failed, they suffered injuries, and they had to go through repetitive days of fixing their broken planes and finding the causes of their failures. Nevertheless, they never gave up. To the brothers who endured everything by imagining about flying in the sky freely, December 17, 1903, was a day of joy and glory.
An American psychologist says that those who have achieved success by consistently challenging themselves with patience and perseverance, despite repeated failures, have one thing in common; they have a strong desire to accomplish goals. Even in times of trial and adversity, if our desire to achieve our goals is stronger than our thoughts to give up, then we will not break down easily.
Those who have a definite hope for Heaven overcome storms of hardship and steer through tunnels of trial. Imagining the days when they will live together with God in glorious Heaven, they overcome lonely and exhausting moments. We have the purpose of faith that we can never give up on. Once we have taken steps in faith, let’s take few more steps forward until the overwhelming moment of glory comes.