Be All the More Eager to Make Your Calling and Election Sure

Gong Ju-hui from Medellín, Colombia


When I was faced with an unexpected situation during my overseas mission, I felt bad about myself. I felt incapable of doing any task and become low-spirited, thinking, ‘If it were another member, she would have done it much better than I did.’ However, after reading this cheerful verse, I never get frustrated at myself any longer.

“Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Pe 1:10–11

God has called and chosen me. It is not by my own effort or ability that such grace has been given to me. It is only by God’s grace. Furthermore, God has promised to allow me to enter the Kingdom of Heaven without fail as long as I do not let go of His grace of calling and election. What can be more consoling than this?

I am truly thankful to God for making me a tool for the Gospel and guiding me to Heaven though I am a sinner lacking in many ways. I will pluck up my courage, drawing new strength from God’s grace, so that I may receive a rich welcome into the eternal Kingdom of our God.