Improve Your Family’s Strengths!


If you want a seed or a plant to grow well, you need to place it on the spot with good sunlight and wind and raise it with care, rather than leaving it alone. It is the same with the seed of love. If you do not express love to your family, it is hard for the seed of love to grow well. In order for the seed of love to grow, bloom, and bear fruit, you should take good care of it.

One of the ways is to look at your family’s strengths. While you are taking care of your family with the interest to find strengths, you will understand each other and love will grow big in your family. When you found a good point, do not keep it to yourself but express it to your family. If you tell them their strengths, they will gain confidence and display the strengths even more.

This month, share your family’s strengths with each other. Then the flower of love will bloom!

Find out your family’s strengths and write them in your journal.
Have time to talk about your family’s strengths in turn.
Compliment on the spot when you discover your family’s strengths.
Tell their strengths in detail. (“I like this point of you,” “Dad is very proud of you when you do this,” etc.)
Call your family by nickname with their strengths. (Smile Angel Mom, King Positive, etc.)
Never compare with others.
When you see shortcomings of your family, cover them up and encourage him or her.