The Happiest Moment Is Now

Park Geum-ryeong from Busan, Korea


My company invites lecturers once a month to train employees. The lecturer of this month asked a question during his speech on the importance of time: “Do you know when dead people are most envious of us? It is now. If you do not know how happy you are while spending these precious moments, you cannot be happy in the future, either.”

His words struck me. God told us to give thanks in all circumstances and be joyful always. It means that we should realize how happy we are as God’s children. However, I didn’t appreciate the present time given by God and I didn’t rejoice in all circumstances, so I couldn’t feel happy. Suddenly, I was scared that I wouldn’t be happy in the future, either, if I continued to do so.

From now on, I will always rejoice and give thanks in all circumstances. It’s because when I know that I am such a happy person, I can be happy in the future, too.