Kindness to a Stranger


In August 2016, Kasey Simmons, a 30-year-old man who lived in Dallas, TX, went grocery shopping and saw an elderly woman with a gloomy face. Other people passed by without noticing her, however, he talked to her because he was concerned. He couldn’t find out what happened to her, but he comforted her with warm words and paid 17 dollars for her groceries.

The next day, Simmons encountered an unexpected incident at the restaurant where he worked as a server. A customer ordered a glass of water and paid 500 dollars as a tip. It turned out that the customer was the daughter of the elderly woman whom he showed kindness toward. The day he comforted the elderly woman was the 3-year anniversary of her husband’s death.

The woman’s daughter wrote on a napkin and left a message of gratitude. She wrote, “You made the most depressing day of the year for my mom become a wonderful day for her. I’ve never seen my mother smile like this after my father passed away.”

When you show kindness to someone, something good can happen to you when you least expect it. Thus, there is a saying that goes:

“Be kind to a stranger. He may be an angel in disguise.”