No Longer Live for Themselves

Yun Eun-ju from Goyang, Korea


I had many changes in my life after accepting the truth and realizing the existence of the heavenly family and the Heavenly Parents who give life to my soul. The blessing of eternal life that I’ve received through the Passover skimmed fear off my mind, and the precious teachings of the Bible revived my soul day after day.

Now, after more than a decade, I come to realize that the blessings I’ve received in the truth were not free of charge.

“And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” 2 Co 5:15

When my younger brothers and sisters were born in a row, I was tired of doing the housework and taking care of my three younger siblings. I wanted to grow up as quickly as possible so that I would break away from chores. It was why I got married as soon as I graduated from college.

Afterwards, I was in high spirits, thinking, ‘My life belongs to me,’ but it actually didn’t when I gave birth to my child. When I became a mom, I adored my child. He was my treasure. I didn’t want to waste a minute not holding him. That means my life could never belong to me alone.

That’s the way God lived. God sacrificed Himself and did not mind dying for us. It was His earnest love and yearning for us to take off our old sinful selves and put on the new heavenly selves, so that we would not live only for ourselves but live according to God’s will.

Without understanding, I’ve lived only for myself so far. I tried to avoid things that are difficult or I don’t want. I didn’t even make enough efforts to live up to God’s word.

I will no more turn my face away from the Heavenly Parents whose only wish is the salvation of my soul. At least from now on, I want to live the way that pleases God, not myself, and repay God’s grace as a faithful daughter.