In our Zion, we have a cute and lovely child who has just turned one. It seems like it was only yesterday that he was wriggling in his mom’s arms, but he soon learned to hold his head up and sit up on his own, and now he even pulls himself up to stand and walk. He looks so cute when he struggles to balance but soon falls that I cannot take my eyes off him.
As he doesn’t have enough strength in his legs yet, he often falls on his bottom. But he does not stop trying to walk. Although there is a soft mat on the floor, it must be hurting when he falls, but he smiles as if nothing happened. Then he stands up with his hands on the floor and tries to take even one more step. It’s commendable how he keeps challenging himself to walk, not being afraid of falling.
I think God feels the same way about His children. God is pleased when He sees His children try to live according to His will, although they are not so good at it.
I will continue to practice being godly, being a partaker of the divine nature, giving thanks in all circumstances, and obeying the Teachings of Mother into practice. Although I am lacking and slow in everything, I will practice again and again. With my tenacious practice and effort, I want to please God who looks at the heart.