Like a Roly-poly Toy


A roly-poly toy never falls; even though it is pushed over, it bounces back up soon. The reason a roly-poly toy rights itself immediately though it seems to tumble is that its center of gravity is at the lower part.

If the center of gravity is high, even a roly-poly toy cannot stand; its body will tilt to one side and fall on the ground no matter how hard it wants to stand.

In the same way, if the center of our minds is set high, we cannot stabilize our faith; the higher the center goes, the quicklier we will fall.

“Arrogance is feeling disappointed when our expectations are not met.” From the Teachings of Mother

If we want to be served more often, it proves that we’re becoming high-minded. It’s a sign of danger that we may fall on our way of faith.

When we put down our high-mindedness and always have the humble and serving attitude according to the example God set for us, we can keep our faith from falling down; even though we may wobble for a moment for some reasons, we can stabilize ourselves quickly and stand up like a spiritual roly-poly toy.